Once you’ve set up your workplace pension, you must declare to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) that your workplace pension is compliant and all the information you’ve provided is accurate.
You must declare your compliance within five months of your start date, or you may be fined. TPR recommends you do it as soon as possible. They have produced a checklist with all the information you need to send them and where you can find it. This includes the following.
- Your unique Employer Pension Scheme Registry (EPSR) number – this is your four-digit employer (ER) code.
- The Pension Scheme Registry (PSR) number for the NOW: Pensions Trust: 12005124
- Our address: NOW: Pensions Trustee Ltd, 6 Bevis Marks, London, EC3A 7BA
You can start your declaration of compliance here. TPR estimates it takes about 15 minutes once you have all the information to hand.