Getting started

You’ll be auto enrolled as soon as you qualify to join your employer’s workplace pension – these rules are set by the government and enforced by The Pensions Regulator. Even if you don’t qualify to be auto enrolled, you can ask to join the Scheme and build up pension savings with your employer’s help.

Auto enrolment means employers must put their eligible employees into a pension and contribute to their pension savings. It was introduced to help more people save for retirement after the UK government found many people had very small, or no, pension savings other than the State Pension.

Your employer has chosen the now:pensions Trust (the ‘Scheme’) as your auto enrolment provider, also known as your ‘workplace pension scheme’.

Auto enrolment explained

We make it simple for you to manage your pension and keep track of your savings 24/7 using your secure online member account. You can log in via PC, tablet or mobile.

How to log in

You can be auto enrolled if you

  1. are aged between 22 and State Pension age
  2. earn at least £10,000 a year.

If you qualify when you join the company, usually you’ll be auto enrolled immediately, but your employer does have the right to postpone if they choose to.

Auto enrolment explained

Asking to join

If you earn less than £10,000 a year, you won’t be auto enrolled into the Scheme. But, as long as you’re aged between 16 and 74, you can still join.

All you have to do is ask your employer to put you into the Scheme.

In our Scheme, your employer must contribute to your pension savings, even if you wouldn’t normally qualify for employer contributions.

How do I know if I'm auto-enrolled?

You’ll get an email or letter confirming you’ve been auto enrolled.

Contributions to your pension savings in the Scheme will be deducted from your pay and your employer will also start contributing to your pension savings.