Use our member contact form for the fastest way to get help with your query.
Or you can call our member support team on 0330 100 3334 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. When you call please give your full name, address and National Insurance number. We may record your call to help us improve our service to you.
We’ll never email you to ask for financial information or to make pension contributions. If you receive any emails like this that look as if they’re from us, please ignore them and let us know.
Workplaces and payroll bureaus
Email us at Please include your four-digit employer code in the email. This will help us to help you faster.
Call our client support team on 0330 100 3336 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (please be ready to give your four-digit employer code). We may record your call to help us improve our service to you.
Media enquiries
Samantha Gould, Head of PR and Campaigns,
NOW: Pensions
We aim to make pension saving and workplace pensions simple, and we work hard to provide an excellent service.
However, if we’ve got something wrong and you have a complaint about our workplace pension or our service, please tell us as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to put things right.
Help improve the Scheme
Our trustees act on behalf of Scheme members. If you have any views or suggestions that would help improve the Scheme, please write to our trustees at