
Every three years your employer is legally obliged to check whether there are any eligible employees who aren’t in the Scheme and re-enrol them if they are – even if they’ve stopped contributing.

The first re-enrolment date is around three years from when your employer set up the Scheme and every three years after that.

Every three years, your employer must:




When you're re-enrolled

We’ll write to tell you if you’ve been re-enrolled. You can be re-enrolled even if you opted out or left previously. You can stop your contributions again if you want to, but you’ll lose the benefits of being in a workplace pension, such as employer contributions.

You can stop your contributions at any time:

  1. If you opt out within the first month of being re-enrolled – during the opt-out window – your contributions will be refunded.
  2. If you stop your contributions after one month of being re-enrolled, your employer can’t refund your contributions.

Any payments you’ve made into your pension must remain invested until your retirement or until you transfer them out.

These rules are set by the government and enforced by The Pensions Regulator.

How to stop contributions

Re-join in two minutes using your online member account

Log in, select your job contract on the dashboard and select ‘Opt in’.


Re-enrolment could be a good opportunity to build your pension savings and start to gain from employer contributions and tax advantages.

Why pensions are worth it